FAQ: Check configuration

What monitoring frequencies are available?

Various types of checks generate different loads—both on monitoring stations and on the monitored site. Therefore, the monitoring frequencies depend on the type of check:

  • availability, content: from 1 minute to 24 hours
  • form: from 5 minutes to 24 hours
  • loading time, file integrity, transaction, changes: from 10 minutes to 24 hours
  • daily health, Core Web Vitals: 24 hours (with the option to choose a specific hour).

How to set alerts to be sent only in the case a failure lasts at least 5 minutes?

Turn off the option "Send alerts immediately after failure is found" and turn on the option "Send alerts after first 5 minutes of unavailability".

What does each of the options next to the "URL" (i.e. "http") field mean?

If you don’t know you will probably not need them.
Still a short explanation would do no harm:

  • https - a website secured with SSL,
  • ftp - file server,
  • pop3, smtp, imap - mail servers,
  • telnet, ssh - a console access to a server,
  • dns - name server (translating domain addresses to IP’s),
  • connect, sip - VoIP communication,
  • MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL - database servers,
  • ping - server latency

I want to monitor an online form. Where do I get the right values for "Name of the field" and "Value of the button" from?

You have to check your form’s source (HTML code) for tags responsible for each field. Each field has its individual Name value and each button has its Value.
This is an example of a form’s code with these values:
<form action="contact.php" method="post"><br />
First Name: <input name="f_first" type="text" /><br />
Last Name: <input name="f_last" type="text" /><br />
Email: <input name="f_email" type="text" /><br />
Message: <textarea name="f_mess"></textarea><br />
<input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="f_response"> I want a response.<br />
<input name="f_submit" type="submit" value="Submit"><br />

I want to monitor the loading time of my website. On what basis should I set the loading time limit?

If you don't know the average loading time of your website, you can measure it with our speed measuring tool. If your site loads in a matter of, say, 2 seconds, set a limit of 4 seconds for the monitoring to capture a really serious slowdown of your site.

I want to monitor the purchase process in my store. How to define the fields to be filled and the buttons to be clicked?

You can define the elements of the website that are to be interacted with—according to your scenario—in several ways:

  • unique element identifier (id)
  • CSS selector
  • xPath.

You need to view the rendered code of the website—preferably using the "Developer Tools" in Chrome (Ctrl + Shift + I) or "Inspector" in Firefox (Ctrl + Shift + C). Clicking the right mouse button on the appropriate part of the code will allow you to copy the CSS selector or the xPath.

I want to create a mobile transaction check based on a desktop check. How can I duplicate the existing check so that I don’t have to manually rewrite all the steps of the scenario?

At the bottom of the scenario configuration form there is an "Import a scenario" button, which allows you to easily copy all the steps from the scenario of an existing transaction check.

What are Google and RBL blacklists?

Surely you've seen a red screen in your browser warning you of a dangerous website. It appears when you try to enter websites that are on the Google blacklist. RBL, on the other hand, is a blacklist of domains associated with spam.
You don't want your website to appear on either of these lists. But if it does happen, you need to find out about it as soon as possible to clarify the matter and arrange to have your domain removed from such a list.

I want to monitor the Core Web Vitals of my website. When I select "origin" as a measurement level, I cannot select "Lab Data" - why?

Selecting "Lab Data" means that Super Monitoring must measure the metrics daily. A single check can only measure metrics for one URL (we do not crawl the entire site).