Scenario-based transaction monitoring

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The most advanced monitoring function in our service allows you to test all kinds of processes on websites, online stores and in web applications.

It provides detection of irregularities that may occur at various steps of processes and are imperceptible to simple monitoring.

How it works

Our application, with a specific frequency, pretending to be a real user using a regular web browser (desktop or mobile), performs actions configured in the scenario. It clicks the indicated elements, fills in the form fields, waits for and finally verifies the appearance of specific elements or content.

If the result of the process doesn't correspond to the expected one—or problems occur on any of the scenario's steps—our system will take a screenshot, register a failure and send notifications, providing the number of the step at which the problem occurred.


After selecting the monitoring frequency (10, 30 or 60 minutes) you need to create a test scenario. For each step, you need to specify an Action, Element and, in case of several types of Actions, also Content.

The following Actions are available:
  • click the element
  • fill in the form field (you must enter the content that will be entered in the field)
  • select a checkbox/radio-button
  • uncheck the checkbox
  • wait (for a specified number of seconds)
  • wait for an element to appear
  • scroll the page
  • submit the form
  • check for the presence of a phrase (verification of the correctness of the process).
The element can be determined using:
  • CSS selector
  • xPath expression
  • ID or NAME value
  • content.
You can test the scenario before saving—and, if something went wrong, preview screenshots live.

It may be complicated to properly indicate the Elements, which is why we are happy to help you to configure scenarios for transaction monitoring.

Additional information

Transaction monitoring generates real visits via a web browser - and they might be registered by Google Analytics and other JavaScript-based tracking software.

Enabling the "Exclude all hits from known bots and spiders" option (enabled by default) in the settings of a given view will make Super Monitoring visits ignored.
You can also create a dedicated filter based on the presence of the "Super Monitoring" phrase in the User Agent parameter.

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