Comprehensive monitoring of proper functioning of a website or web application

  • Be the first to know about any failure or malfunction
  • React before users notice anything
  • Minimize losses during ad campaigns
  • Verify the quality of hosting services
list of monitors

Hewlett Packard
Santander Consumer Bank

What we detect


Website unavailability

When your website doesn't open at all.

Missing content

When your website does not display correctly.

Slow loading times

When your website takes too long to load.

Process malfunctions

When there is a problem with an important process, such as a checkout.

Domain expiration

When the expiry date of your domain approaches.

SSL certificate expiration or error

When the SSL certificate for your domain is invalid or soon to expire.

Appearance on blacklists

When your domain or server IP is added to a list of blocked spammers.

Search engine robot blockage

When you accidentally block robots (e.g. Googlebot) from accessing your website.

How we report problems

Immediate alerts

Immediately receive email and SMS alerts upon detection of a problem.

Root cause analysis data

Download screenshots, HTML snapshots, and HTTP headers to understand the root cause of downtime.


Stay up-to-date with weekly and monthly reports as well as on-demand reporting.

Public status pages

Provide end users with uptime details of your services.

Exports and integrations

Use the collected data in your preferred applications with XLS files, webhooks, and API.

Plugins and extensions

Access monitoring reports & settings within your CMS (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, PrestaShop).


Try it free for 14 days

By signing up I accept the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.


Why choose us?


We provide advanced features in a simple way

We offer lots of advanced features that you can use through an uncomplicated interface.

We've been monitoring websites since 2008

We've dealt with hundreds of unusual situations, most of which you haven't encountered yet.

We don't raise false alarms

We only register and report incidents that are confirmed from multiple locations.

We understand your business

Super Monitoring is backed by the interactive agency SITEIMPULSE, which has created and maintains hundreds of commercial websites.

We are always willing to help

Your difficulties are our challenge and opportunity for improvement. We will never leave you alone.

We develop according to your needs

Most new features are introduced in response to our clients' suggestions.


Super Hyper Extra Ultra Multi
Freelancers, small blogs, landing pages. Blogs, small company websites. Large websites,
web applications.
Businesses with multiple websites.
$5.99/mo $14.99/mo $29.99/mo $39.99/mo
$59/yr $149/yr $299/yr $399/yr
1 3 10 20
or 200/yr
or 500/yr
or 1200/yr
or 2000/yr