A process of affecting the visibility or ranking of a website on a search engine’s natural or organic search results is called as Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Search Engine Optimization involves consideration of how a search engine works, what words/keywords are being searched by people and which is the most popular search engine among the […]
Posted January 20th, 2014 in SEO/SEM.
Scroll down for Twitter TAKEAWAYS (or click here) Feel free to use this infographic on your blog or website, but please don’t forget to link to www.supermonitoring.com. TWITTER TAKEAWAYS Top 10 searches in December 2013: facebook, google, you, youtube, christmas, craigslist, weather, yahoo, amazon, news http://y22.gu.ma/ Tweet this Top 5 Facebook pages in December 2013: […]
Posted January 8th, 2014 in Statistics.
Customer development and customer management these days require a huge investment of hands on time by the founders in interviewing the market participants, but as an organization grows and expands one hardly gets enough time to get the details about the customer experience by the customers who may or may not buy your services. There […]
Posted December 17th, 2013 in Communications.
The availability of a wide range of browsers and devices for surfing the Internet makes it the responsibility of the designer to write and test the code for various browsers commonly used these days. We can check the compatibility of our website or application for different mobile devices, mobile browsers, operating systems and web browsers […]
Posted December 5th, 2013 in Testing.
Scroll down for Twitter TAKEAWAYS (or click here) Feel free to use this infographic on your blog or website, but please don’t forget to link to www.supermonitoring.com. TWITTER TAKEAWAYS Top 10 searches in November 2013: facebook, google, you, youtube, craigslist, yahoo, weather, news, time, amazon http://gupk.gu.ma/ Tweet this Top 5 Facebook pages in November 2013: […]
Posted December 2nd, 2013 in Statistics.
Creating wireframes is an essential task when it comes to website designing. Wireframes help you to create simple sketches and illustrate the basic skeleton or structure of the website and its components. While cerebrating on the features we want on the website for example Homepage, Layout structure, Site components and navigational scheme, this is known […]
Posted November 21st, 2013 in Web Design.
Top 10 searches: facebook, google, you, youtube, craigslist, yahoo, news, weather, amazon, gmail Top 5 Facebook pages: Facebook for Every Phone, Facebook, Rihanna, Eminem, YouTube Twitter 5 most followed: @justinbieber, @katyperry, @ladygaga, @BarackObama, @taylorswift13
Posted November 1st, 2013 in Statistics.
Top 10 searches: facebook, google, youtube, craigslist, yahoo, news, weather, amazon, gmail, games Top 5 Facebook pages: Facebook for Every Phone, Facebook, Rihanna, YouTube, Eminem Twitter 5 most followed: @justinbieber, @katyperry, @ladygaga, @BarackObama, @taylorswift13
Posted October 3rd, 2013 in Statistics.
HUGE infographic about mobile adoption, vendors and platforms, mobile usage, business, e-commerce, payments and advertising.
Posted September 23rd, 2013 in Infographics.
Google PageSpeed helps you to optmize your web design in order to improve both your users experience and your sites SEO ability due to faster page loading times. It’s a solution and set of tools that analyze the way websites run, enhancing operation and loading times significantly.
Posted September 18th, 2013 in Web Development.
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