Promoting your company through blogs, podcasts, video, newsletters, SEO, eBooks and Social Media is called Inbound Marketing. The ultimate purpose of inbound marketing is to bring customers closer to the brand. Inbound marketing earns a lot of attention from the customers and makes it easy for them to find your company. It helps you to […]
Posted April 14th, 2014 in SEO/SEM.
None of us would like to stay glued to a blank screen and thus to make your website or application more attractive you would like to add a Preloader. A preloader is nothing but a loading bar or circular tab that indicates what percent of content is loaded and keeps the viewer informed that the […]
Posted April 7th, 2014 in Web Design.
Scroll down for Twitter TAKEAWAYS (or click here) Feel free to use this infographic on your blog or website, but please don’t forget to link to TWITTER TAKEAWAYS Top 10 searches in March 2014: facebook, google, you, youtube, craigslist, weather, news, yahoo, games, amazon Tweet this Top 5 Facebook pages in March 2014: […]
Posted April 2nd, 2014 in Statistics.
Social Media Management is one of the best ways to increase traffic to your website and get more leads. It is extremely important for any business to have an online presence on major networking websites such as the Facebook, Google+, Twitter and LinkedIn and to manage these accounts you would need a social media management […]
Posted March 31st, 2014 in Social Media.
The success of any website or application is ensured by tracking analytics to know the activity on your website. And better information generates better results by allowing you to make changes accordingly. All these years I have been loving the basic information Google Analytics provided but there are certain areas where it lags, like the […]
Posted March 18th, 2014 in Analytics.
In Email Marketing, testing and correcting the coding of the email you design is one of the most important steps. It helps the marketing team to ensure better conversion and click through rates. Testing is highly recommended especially if you have coded the mail yourself. This step is often skipped by many email marketers and […]
Posted March 6th, 2014 in Testing.
Scroll down for Twitter TAKEAWAYS (or click here) Feel free to use this infographic on your blog or website, but please don’t forget to link to TWITTER TAKEAWAYS Top 10 searches in February 2014: facebook, google, you, youtube, weather, craigslist, yahoo, news, amazon, games Tweet this Top 5 Facebook pages in February 2014: […]
Posted March 4th, 2014 in Statistics.
Scroll down for Twitter TAKEAWAYS (or click here) Feel free to use this infographic on your blog or website, but please don’t forget to link to TWITTER TAKEAWAYS Top 10 searches in January 2014: facebook, google, you, youtube, weather, craigslist, news, yahoo, amazon, games Tweet this Top 5 Facebook pages in January 2014: Facebook […]
Posted February 1st, 2014 in Statistics.
Want to check what browser your client is working on? Want to check the browser version or may be the features enabled, such as the JavaScript and more? is a great website for checking out the version of the browser and many other features as well. This application comes in handy when your customers […]
Posted January 31st, 2014 in Testing.
A/B testing is the process of testing landing pages using controlled parameter A and B as the treatment. The ultimate goal of this testing is to figure out the scope for alteration of the web page to maximize the output we are interested in such as to increase sale, increasing the click through rate for […]
Posted January 27th, 2014 in Web Design.
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