Who says you have to pause your Instagram posting activity when you’re travelling or spending time with family? Schedule your posts and stay connected even when away, with Grum.
Posted April 4th, 2018 in Social Media.
You might not be aware about this but there are a lot of vendors out there who are developing platforms and tools to help people with organizing their data by establishing connections between the web apps they use.
Posted March 20th, 2018 in Web Apps in General.
Tars is one of the coolest online chat-bot creators through which you can create custom chat bots without any coding.
Posted March 13th, 2018 in Communications.
Mixmax is the next generation of email tracking that improves your team’s communication for unparalleled results.
Posted March 2nd, 2018 in Email Marketing.
It is worth it to regularly check the online market space and find new web apps as some of them can really make your work (and life) easier. We’ve compiled a list of avenues you should check out if you’re on the lookout for new web apps.
Posted February 21st, 2018 in Web Apps in General.
One of the newest trends to overtake the online shopping market is that of displaying shoppable images on websites. A shoppable image is one where you see a still photograph of a product in use and can click on it directly to see its price and purchase link.
Posted February 19th, 2018 in Content.
Faultless websites, online stores or web apps simply don’t exist. Despite an exemplary infrastructure, duplicated systems and excellent mechanisms, something can always go wrong. We offer you a proven process that you can apply in a crisis situation – adapting it accordingly to your conditions, of course. You can publish our infographic on your blog […]
Posted February 12th, 2018 in Infographics.
PixelMe enables users to shorten the links they share on social media while allowing add a retargeting pixel to every link they share.
Posted February 6th, 2018 in Analytics.
Imagine if you’ve subscribed to even 5 – 6 web apps. How much money are you spending every month on just the subscriptions? You probably don’t think about it much, but in total, all the SaaS subscriptions cost you a little fortune.
Posted February 1st, 2018 in Web Apps in General.
If there’s one thing that binds people across geographies, cultures, and preferences, it is the Internet. Regardless of their age, sex, or color, people all over the world spend an average of 2 – 3 hours on the Internet every day, and that makes for quite a big window of business opportunity. In such a […]
Posted January 31st, 2018 in Monitoring.
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