Draft stunning emails quickly with BeeFree

Posted October 27th, 2017 in Email Marketing. Tagged: , , , , .

The professional world would crumble without efficient emailing. A simple conversion between two people becomes official, substantial, and binding if converted into a properly drafted email. Letters of appreciation, job offers, projects contracts, designs, work documents, assignments, invoices, bills, etc. are all exchanged over email in the modern day and age. So it wouldn’t be baseless to say that, if you don’t know how to compose an appropriate email, you might find it extremely difficult to survive in a setting that uses tools like MS Office 365, Thunderbird, Apple Mail, and the like on a regular basis.


Overwhelmed? You don’t need to be. Because tools like BeeFree have been developed specifically to hold your hand through the email drafting process. Check out how this simple yet brilliant tool can help you become an email pro in a few clicks.

BeeFree – Create Professional Emails Quickly

The name BeeFree actually stands for “Best Email Editor – Free” and is a part of the MailUp Group. The tool can be used as an online email editor and can also be embedded into SaaS applications. It is a drag-and-drop based email designer and builder for mobiles and hand-held devices which enables users to create mobile-responsive emails quickly and easily from anywhere.

Here are the most prominent features of the tool:

  • Includes a drag-and-drop editor that lets you add individual email elements or entire rows directly from your desktop
  • Emails designed with BeeFree are mobile-responsive so you don’t need to retest their look and feel on different devices
  • Users get access to hundreds of elegant email templates
  • The tool uses a 4-step approach:
  1. Step 1: Pick an email template that suits your purpose
  2. Step 2: Add your unique personalized content to the template you picked
  3. Step 3: Download the message you created
  4. Step 4: Use it wherever you like

That’s how simple it is! And if you find the free version of Bee interesting, you can always invest a little money and opt for more features with BeePro or BeePlugin.

BeeFree - screenshot 1

Let’s see how it works

To start using BeeFree visit the tool’s homepage and click on the blue button that says “Start Designing”. This will direct you to the templates catalog from where you can choose the right email template for your purpose. There are a ton of categories to choose from including newsletters, events, e-commerce, and more. If you don’t find any template particularly interesting, you can start from scratch by using the first icon on the top-left corner (the blue colored one that says “Start from Scratch”). We tried out the tool both ways and here are the steps for each.

Start from Scratch:

  • Click on “Start from Scratch” to get redirected to the editor
  • From the right hand panel, select what kind of Content you wish to insert into your email design. Your choices include Text, Images, Buttons, Dividers, Social, and HTML. You can choose any combination of these elements too. Drag and drop each Content element into the left hand area of the editor.
  • Click on the “Structure” tab in the right hand panel to decide and pick the layout of your emails. To apply a layout, drag and drop it into the left hand wider area.
  • Click on the “Body” tab to pick from options like background color, content area color, font, link color, etc.
  • Once you’ve designed everything and keyed in your email matter, you can preview what your final email will look like by clicking on the “Actions” drop down from the top menu and then selecting “Preview” option. You can view the preview for both desktop and mobile with this option.
  • You can also choose to send a test email with your design to any email id you want.

At any point if you think you need guidance, simply click on the “Help” button from the right corner of the top menu. When your design is ready, click on “Save” button to download the whole message with all HTML and images to your device.

BeeFree - screenshot 2

Start with a Template:

  • Click on a template from the catalog to get redirected to the editor with the template opened in the left hand bigger panel
  • All remaining options and settings for this kind of editing are the same as those seen in the “Start from Scratch” option
  • Each template will have its own unique settings which you can alter as per your need using the given options in the right hand panel

The highs and the lows

The plus points of BeeFree include:

  • Its drag-and-drop editor
  • Responsive email-design capability
  • There isn’t much of a learning curve attached to the tool which is good.
  • Plus, it has ample reading material to supplement user’s understanding.
  • And of course, the multitude of templates is an added bonus.

Coming to the negatives, there’s only one and it is actually quite expected of a free tool:

  • You can’t do much beyond changing typeface, font size, color, photos, buttons etc. For any more flexibility than this you’ll have to go pro, which is kind of fair.
  • Compose elegant emails quickly and easily with @beefreeio beefree.io/ via @supermonitoring

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All in all, BeeFree is a nice tool. If a simple and quick email design is what you’re looking for and you don’t need any hassle, this is just what you need.

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