Automated Internal Linking: a Quick Guide to LinkStorm

Posted April 1st, 2024 in SEO/SEM. Tagged: .

Links have always been a widely recognized Google ranking factor ever since search engines became a thing. But a revelation from a Google executive in 2016 set in stone the undeniable relevance of links for SEO.

There’s just one problem: SEOs tend to fixate only on backlinks.

Links are more than just inbound links. They involve other types of equally important links too, like internal links.

Beyond being entry points for Google spiders, internal links also serve as doorways for link juices to seep through. Internal links enable high-authority pages to transmit equity to fellow pages within a domain.

Unfortunately, there was no available software that allowed webmasters and SEOs to automate their internal linking efforts, that is before LinkStorm arrived.


If you’re tired of manually building internal links for your website, keep reading. Here, we’ll demonstrate how LinkStorm transforms internal linking from tedious to seamless.

Internal Linking: A Quick Revisit

Before we get down to business, let’s do a quick revisit at what internal linking is again:

What is Internal Linking?

Internal linking is the process of building links from one page of your website to another page within the same website. In other words, no other external websites are involved in the process, unlike with inbound and outbound linking.

With link building declared as a crucial ranking factor in SEO, the importance of internal links can never be overstated. Finding internal linking opportunities within your website is crucial for a more favorable SEO.

Unfortunately, the manual process is time-consuming and tedious, especially for large websites. But thanks to automated internal linking software, internal linking has never been easier.

What is Automated Internal Linking?

Automated internal linking takes advantage of internal linking software to automatically track and identify opportunities for internal links. Unlike the manual approach, automated internal linking expedites the process aided by the power of artificial intelligence.

Instead of leaving your forgotten content beneath a pile of web pages, internal linking software like LinkStorm alleviates click depth. That means your content, regardless of age, can make appearances in a user’s search journey when necessary.

What Are the Benefits of Internal Linking?

Internal links serve various purposes for a domain.

Improved user experience

On the surface, users can take advantage of internal links to navigate through a website to explore content that satisfies their search intent. This creates a positive search experience among users by increasing their time on your domain.

More effective crawling and indexing

Internal links serve as portals for web crawlers to explore your website. More internal links mean more pages can be crawled, which boosts the indexing speed of your new web pages and increases your overall search engine visibility.

Increased page authority

Internal links allow link juices to transmit from one web page to another within the domain. In other words, high-authority sites can help increase the PA of low-ranking web pages through internal linking. Conversely, high-authority pages can bolster other fellow high-authority pages even more.

Enhanced link value

As internal link destinations increase in PA, their link value also increases. As a result, these pages rank higher in search engines and may translate to more organic traffic, influencing business revenue.

LinkStorm: The SEO Ally for Automated Internal Linking

LinkStorm is a revolutionary internal linking software that uses AI-assisted algorithms to find internal linking opportunities that are relevant and sensible for both users and search engines.

Since internal linking takes time, LinkStorm is a premier ally for conservative businesses that desire to stay ahead of their competitors and on top of their finances. With fast internal link suggestions, manually scouring through your list of web pages and spending hours on end building internal links is no longer necessary.

Read on to discover how to use LinkStorm and how SEOs and businesses alike can benefit from this revolutionary toolkit.

How Does LinkStorm Work?

If you’re curious to learn about how LinkStorm can improve your internal link-building campaigns, explore its functionalities below:

User flexibility

LinkStorm allows users to create individual projects for internal linking campaigns of various clients or websites. This results in hassle-free management, especially for SEOs or agencies that handle multiple SEO projects simultaneously.

Users are also able to choose their desired monthly plan based on their use cases. For instance, small businesses may find more bang for their buck with the “Small” plan, which crawls up to 1000 web pages.

The good thing is, all monthly subscription plans give users the privilege to handle unlimited projects and websites at the same time. People also have the freedom to upgrade or cancel their subscriptions at any time.

Automatic web scanning

LinkStorm uses bots to crawl and obtain content from websites. This information, along with Google Search Console data, are combined to accurately depict a domain’s internal linking particulars. Thanks to this, LinkStorm goes beyond finding the number of indexed pages and amount of internal links, it also identifies internal linking issues and counts internal linking opportunities within the website.

This gives users an eagle’s view of the website’s internal linking landscape. As a result, users can devise the best approach in their internal linking campaigns.

LinkStorm gives results by utilizing three distinct algorithms to identify internal linking opportunities. One algorithm (Semantic Similarity) leverages AI-assisted programming to grasp the semantic meaning of content, leading to more relevant link suggestions. The remaining two algorithms prioritize identifying internal linking prospects based on syntactic analysis.

LinkStorm - screenshot

Below are more detailed descriptions of each algorithm:

  • Semantic Similarity: The AI uses machine learning to understand the content and context within the web page. The software then chooses relevant anchor texts within the content and finds semantic similarities between web pages for effective internal linking.
  • Content Matching: The software finds seed keywords across different web pages to match the source and the linked content.
  • GSC Terms: The software uses data from Google Search Console to find applicable internal link opportunities based on search ranking goals.

Adjustable depending on goals

LinkStorm allows users to modify their internal linking strategy depending on their SEO goals. There are two approaches to pursuing internal linking:

  • Scale-up approach: This approach is used to boost the rank of already-ranking pages by building internal links from high-authority pages to other high-authority pages.
  • Scale-down approach: This approach is used to boost the rank of poorly ranking pages by building internal links from high-authority pages to pages with low PA.

Both scale-up and scale-down approaches help users develop content plans and align their blog creation processes to their SEO goals. For instance, if a low-ranking page lacks relevant internal links, users can create new blog articles specifically to boost that particular page through internal linking.

Still, it always pays to be cautious when building internal links. Ensure that internal links lead to indexed pages to prevent Google from flagging them as spam and penalizing your website. To that end, IndexCheckr is another useful tool to support your link-building efforts, both internally and outbound.

SEO protection

Spammy and low-quality backlinks are not the only concerns when it comes to link building. Even internal links can be a cause for worry to a site’s SEO when left unmanaged. Thankfully, LinkStorm can help safeguard your SEO from the perspective of internal links. Think of it as Linkody, but more from an internal linking perspective.

LinkStorm indirectly offers SEO protection to websites by pointing out internal links that use the same anchor texts. Using similar anchor texts for multiple pages may result in web crawler confusion, which, in extreme cases, results in possible penalties from Google.

LinkStorm ranks the most overused anchor texts throughout a website. This allows users to take advantage of this information and diversify their anchor texts, protecting their web pages from web crawler confusion and preventing Google from penalizing their websites.

Internal linking is a crucial but often overlooked SEO strategy because of its tediousness and time-consuming nature. But with LinkStorm’s automated internal linking capabilities, you can stay on top of your internal links, maximizing all linking opportunities for increased SEO performance.

At this early stage, LinkStorm is already making rounds as a proficient internal linking companion for SEOs, entrepreneurs, and agencies. Still, the development never stops.

LinkStorm’s developers are actively seeking to make the software even more advantageous for its users. In the future, a LinkStorm plugin is within the realm of possibilities for a seamless implementation between the software and WordPress-based sites.

If you want to make strides in your link-building campaigns, LinkStorm may be the best leap forward.

Happy linking!

About the Author

Joel John Cariño

Joel John Cariño has always found SEO and its underlying algorithms fascinating, which is why he enjoys writing about them. For over three years, his focus has been on helping clients succeed through publishing top-notch content with a kick of direct-response copywriting. He now works as an SEO specialist and content writer at Linkody, where he continues to leverage his expertise to drive tangible results.

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