20 Best Chrome Extensions for SEO
Search Engine Optimization is not a single activity or element. In fact, it is a process which encompasses a wide range of activities focusing on different SEO elements. To improve search engine rankings, you need to pay attention to different elements which is not easy. Though there are dedicated SEO tools available, many of them require paid subscriptions.
That’s the reason so many SEO extensions for Google Chrome have been developed – so that you can check different SEO elements of your web page on the spot. Such extensions can save your time and help you drastically enhance your search engine rankings.
Keeping that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of the 20 best Chrome extensions for SEO. Through this list we hope to help you narrow down your search horizon and hopefully pick out extensions for your business. Let’s get started.
1. Alt Text Tester
Alt Text/Alt Tags is used within an HTML code to describe the appearance and define the function of an image on a page. Alt tags provide better image description/context to search engine crawlers, helping them to index an image properly. Alt Text Tester shows you an alternate text or Alt tags on the image on hover. This helps the SEO expert to scan every image on the page and know the Alt tags without digging deep into HTML code. Alt Text Tester is free to use with no limitations on the number of checks.
2. Checkbot
Checkbot can check hundreds of pages at a time for broken links, CSS/JavaScript/HTML errors, duplicate titles, redirect chains, mixed content errors, insecure password forms, and many more important SEO elements. It can be a useful tool for developers to identify problems early and plan optimizations. The tool helps you get an overview of the website structure and gives you an in-depth view of linked pages, images, and review non-indexable pages. The free version of the tool allows an analysis of 250 URLs per site. The premium version allows an analysis of 10,000 URLs per site and also provides PDF reports and supports exporting of results to CSV.
3. Check My Links
The Check My Links Chrome extension checks links on a page and shows HTTP responses. It is particularly useful for content editors, developers, and web designers. The extension checks all links on the page for you and highlights both; links that are working well and links that have problems. This allows the developer to copy all bad links on a notepad and make the corrections before making the site live. The full URLs of the broken links and the HTTP response codes are published in Google’s Console log which can be accessed by Ctrl+Shift+J key combination. The Chrome extension is free to use.
4. SEO Quake
SEO Quake is a useful SEO browser plugin that provides you important SEO tools along with key SEO metrics. The SEO extension allows you to check all important SEO metrics in a few seconds. The plugin can estimate keyword difficulty and also set parameters for a search query. With the SEO Quake plugin installed, you can perform a complete SEO audit of a webpage and also check its mobile compatibility. SEO Quake plugin also provides you a full report of internal and external links and checks the social statistic for Google+ and Facebook. With the SEO Quake plugin, you can compare domains and also determine keyword density for any page. In all, the SEO Quake Chrome extension offers you multiple SEO tools under one roof making optimization of pages easier.
5. LinkMiner
The LinkMiner Chrome extension takes the checking of links to the next level. LinkMiner checks the broken links on any page and gets you more data about the link to make smarter decisions. With LinkMiner, you can get links and social data of any link on the page. The best part is you can export all link and related information from any page. The export data contains the link information along with display link data next to each link on the page. The LinkMiner Chrome extension can also be used to find the number of external and total links on the page. With LinkMiner installed, you can find the link metrics of all pages in Google search page without actually opening the page.
6. Link Redirect Trace
The Link Redirect Trace Chrome extension helps you understand all links and redirects in details. The SEO extension performs advanced, comprehensive and correct analysis of all links, re-directs, and rel-canonicals for your SEO analysis. With Link Redirect Trace extension, you can find out redirect timings of all links and fix slow link redirects to improve user experience. The SEO extension can spot on-page issues and analyze and redirect all hops on the page. Link Redirect Trace is also useful to track affiliate and advertising links and it can check competitor’s links too. If you have recently migrated your website, the Link Redirect Trace can help you determine if everything is working fine.
7. Meta SEO Inspector
Metadata is important to show the relevance of data to search engines which play an important role in improving search engine rankings. Metadata is not visible while browsing page which makes an analysis of Metadata difficult. This is where Meta SEO Inspector comes into the picture. Meta SEO Inspector allows you to see Metadata and page features with a simple click. With Meta SEO Inspector, you can easily check Metadata of any page and know what is wrong and missing. Besides highlighting discrepancies, the SEO tool also shows tips in yellow color to improve page performance.
8. Multi-highlight
The Multi-highlight Chrome extension is useful to highlight multiple words on a page. With Multi-highlight, you can find and highlight several words on a page at one go. All you have to do is type the words separated word in the extension search box and the Chrome extension will find and highlight words in different colors for you.
9. TagDebugger
The Observe Point TagDebugger Chrome extension simplifies tag management. It is used to perform quick tag checks on the page. With TagDebugger extension installed, you can view and audit advertising, Google analytics, VOC, media measurements tags while browsing through pages. The SEO extension also allows you to monitor on-click events, inspect the variables for each tag on the page and export the browsing session to Excel for review. The TagDebugger extension offers efficient and comprehensive governance of marketing tags and analytics. With TagDebugger you can scan batches of sequences of actions to verify accurate data collection and also monitor live implementation for errors in variable formatting and analytics tracking.
10. Omnibug
Omnibug is a useful browser plugin to develop and debug web metric implementation. Developers need to check every outgoing (HTTP) request from the browser. The Omnibug extension features listeners which intercept every outgoing HTTP requests. The SEO Chrome extension checks for a pattern of outgoing request and if there is a match, the URL is displayed in the DevTools panel. The developer can then decode the HTTP request and make changes if necessary. The Omnibug extension also supports the export of all HTTP requests in Excel or CSV format for easy analysis.
11. Redirect Check
As the name suggests the Redirect Check browser plugin checks redirects of all selected links on the page. The plugin pulls all URLs from the active tab and runs a syntax validation check by opening the URLs in separate tabs. Redirect Check also checks images and verify redirects for right-context menu and The Chrome plugin gives you a detailed report of errors and warning detected while redirect checks. The plugin can also detect Alt and Title mismatches and adds warning for images without alt text.
12. Robots.txt Viewer
Robots.txt is an important file from the SEO point of view. It tells the search engine crawlers which pages to visit and index. The Robots.txt Viewer plugin inspects the source of robots.txt of the current website open in your browser. With Robots.txt viewer installed, you can directly open the Robots.txt with a single click and view the privacy settings and change log.

13. Scraper
Scraper is a data mining browser extension used to extract data from a webpage and save it in a spreadsheet. If you perform online research, the Scraper extension can be useful to copy data from webpages into a spreadsheet. The extension can copy the data on the webpage in data separated values and paste it in a spreadsheet.
14. Seerobots
The Seerobots Chrome plugin displays the Meta robot information of the website you are viewing. Depending on the information on the webpage, the color in the information bar changes. If the webpage you are viewing has “index, follow” as robot attributes, the Seerobots block in the information bar will appear green in color which signifies everything is Ok. If the webpage has some “no follow and no index” as robot attributes, the Seerobots blocks appear red in color. If the webpage has “index, no follow” robot attributes, the Seerobots block appears green on the left and red on the right. If the Seerobots block is red on the left and green on the right, it signifies the webpage has “no index, follow” as robots attributes.

15. SEO Meta in 1 Click
The SEO Meta in 1 Click plugin presents important SEO information and all Metadata for easy analysis. The SEO plugin displays title and its length, description and its length, URL, meta-canonical URL, meta robots, various headers in exact order, number of images with and without alt, number of links (unique, internal), robots.txt, sitemap.xml, and much more. By using SEO Meta in 1 Click plugin, you can manage and improve your SEO and visibility on the web.
16. SEO Minion
The SEO Minion browser plugin helps in accomplishing daily SEO tasks like broken inks checking, On-Page SEO, SERP Preview, Google search location simulator, and Hreflang Checker. The tool can analyze HTML of any webpage and report any issues. It also provides useful information about the page that can be useful to improve On-Page SEO. It highlights all links and reports any broken links on the page. The SEO Minion plugin also checks Hreflang tag validity and also shows any return tags if present. In all, the SEO Minion gives a multi-angled view of different SEO elements on the page and helps you optimize it.
17. SerpWorx
SerpWorx is a useful SEO plugin that provides data of 31 SEO metrics with a single click. The tools combine best SEO tools into one and provide a common interface to check SEO metrics. SerpWorx provides access to Majestic SEO tool, Google Analytics tool, Ahrefs, Moz SEO tool, and SEMrush. With Serpworx, you get metrics of different SEO elements provided by leading SEO tools under one roof. It eliminates the need to use these SEO tools separately and brings you the best of the SEO tools at one place.
18. Structured Data Testing Tool
As the name suggests, the plugin checks the structured data on the webpage. The SEO extension can check snippets of rich text and structured data on the webpage from different sources like on the Internet, Intranet or even behind a password protected page. With Structured Data Testing Tool, you can check the validity of microdata, Schema, RDFa and JSON-LD.
19. Web Developer
The Web Developer extension adds a toolbar to the browser. The Web Developer tool is feature-packed allowing the user to hide images, find broken images, reduce or increase image size, outline images, and many more web developer tools. With Web Developer extension, you can disable JavaScript, plugins, popups, and notifications too. In all, the Web Developer extension offers all handy tools used by developers under one roof that simplifies and speeds up website development.
20. Web Sniffer
Web Sniffer is true to its name. It detects HTTP Requests and Responses sent between the Web browser and the Web server. Web Sniffer extension can get you information like Tab ID, Request ID, Type Request, Time, Status, Method, Hostname, URL, Headers, and much more.
Final Word
Chrome extensions for SEO allow you to view, analyze and enhance different SEO elements that are crucial to improve your search engine rankings. These extensions are easy to use and there are no deep menus or coding required. To use the SEO Chrome extensions, you have to install them and let the plugin do its job. These extensions take the pain out of daily SEO tasks and make them simple and effective.