12 Keyword Research Tools to Help You Find the Best Search Terms for Your Business

Posted November 1st, 2019 in SEO/SEM. Tagged: , , .

Lots of businesses struggle with keyword research and finding the best search terms for their business regardless of the ever-present and readily available advice on keyword research. It’s no secret that there’s a lot involved in getting the best search terms that fit your business niche. For starters, it’s essential to understand that a solid keyword research strategy is necessary to guide the overall marketing strategy.

keyword research

Typically, for your target audience to find you or your business, you need to find the best keywords or search terms—talk the same language as your audience. With the right search terms, people searching for products or services your business offers will be able to find you. Here we’ll provide you with some of the best keyword research tools to help you get started.

1. Moz Keyword Explorer


Moz Keyword Explorer is among the best free keyword research tools available that not only allows you to discover suitable search terms but also allows you to prioritize the ones you want to target, filter by metrics and create lists to organize your keywords. Additionally, with Moz Keyword Explorer you also get ‘lateral’ keyword suggestions from your seed keyword, organic click-through rate (CTR) and priority that takes into account the CTR, search volume and difficulty to determine whether targeting a particular keyword is suitable for your business. The only downside to using Moz’s keyword planner tool is the fact that you have to pay for it.

2. Wordtracker


Wordtracker keyword tool is an excellent keyword research tool as it provides actual metrics about the search volume, cost per click, and competition. Additionally, this keyword tool can inspect a website’s keyword. Basically, users just have to click “inspect” and enter the URL of the site you want to learn about, then the tool will provide all the information about keywords that that website is based on. Alternatively, you can use the inspect option on your website to determine the top-performing keywords and evaluate areas you need to improve on.

3. Keywordtool.io


Keywordtool.io similar to Ubersuggest and Soovle provides a comprehensive list of keyword suggestions from not only Google.com but from various localized Google language interfaces as well as other sources such as Bing, Amazon, YouTube and so on. The ability to generate keywords from multiple Google language interfaces ensures that your choice of search terms is relevant to the country and language you are targeting which makes Keywordtool.io a valuable tool for generating a list of standard international keywords.

4. Google Ads Keyword Planner

Google Ads

Just like many other keyword research tools, Google’s Keyword Planner provides comprehensive search data for your seed terms directly from Google itself, which is a SERP (Search Engine Results Pages)—meaning it’s among your target when it comes to optimizing your business’ website. Besides an extensive keyword list, you will get an average search volume and forecasts, suggested bid (if you are using AdWords) and competition metrics of the search terms.

5. Ahrefs Keyword Explorer


Ahrefs Keyword Explorer provides in-depth information on keywords, search volume, and a detailed breakdown of first-page competition as well as the number of searchers who actually click on a result. Additionally, unlike other keyword research tools, Ahrefs keyword planner gives you the exact amount of backlinks that you’ll need to rank on the first page of SERPs.

6. Soovle


Similar to Google’s autocompleting feature, Soovle also generates keywords by providing autocomplete suggestions from different sources such as Bing, Yahoo, YouTube, Amazon, and not just google alone. However, to enable suggestions from various sources, you need to select your source as Google is the default. Basically, you can jump from source to source by clicking on the various icons provided below the search box to get a feel of the different results based on multiple sources.

7. Ubersuggest


Ubersuggest is an excellent keyword research tool, that can be used alongside Google Keyword Planner since it provides search terms that are not already available on Google’s Keyword Planner. This keyword tool offers an organized approach to seed terms, allowing you to review every search term without missing the one that may be a game-changer for your business.

8. Serpstat


Serpstat provides an all in one SEO tool that combines keyword research, website analytics, backlink analysis, SERP analysis, website audit features, among others. This keyword research tool helps you to determine keyword difficulty to help you understand what it will take for your business to rank on the top spots of SERPs based on the search term. Additionally, you’ll get metrics on the average monthly search volume, cost per click (CPC), competition, results of the number of documents returned by the search engine for a specific keyword and the results of the social domain that have that keyword. Moreover, with Serpstat you can filter results by CPC, the number of words in a keyword, search volume, unique elements in SERP and so on. It should be noted that although this tool doesn’t specialize in keyword research, it’s a very decent research tool for this purpose.

9. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a paid browser extension. This tool provides search volume, CPC and competition metrics for every keyword you type in google search. Generally, it displays keyword data on top of several websites such as eBay, Amazon, AnswerThePublic and more directly on your browser. With Keywords Everywhere, you can get a list of keywords related to your search term in the google search results. What’s even better is the fact that this allows you or your business to find keywords that your target audience search for when they are not searching for products or services you provide under the “people also search for” section.

10. SEMrush


SEMrush Keyword research is slightly different compared to other tools. With SEMrush, rather than getting an extensive list of keyword ideas, you get keywords that your competition is already ranking for—usually out of the box keywords that you would naturally not find using other tools. Moreover, its Keyword Magic Tool helps you to sort out keywords by search topics, volume or send to a keyword analyzer where you can study the keywords more extensively. What’s more, besides helping you find the right search terms for your business, this tool will also track the keyword strategy used by your competitors, run an SEO audit of your site and search for backlinking opportunities.

11. KWFinder


KWFinder is among the most powerful keyword research tool that not only has a lot more features compared to other keyword research tools but is also very intuitive. This tool helps you to identify the best long-tail keywords to target primarily those with high search volumes and low competition. However, that’s not all! It also provides keyword difficulty metrics besides every keyword, unlike most other tools.

Google Trends

Google Trends acts as both a keyword research tool and a keyword popularity measurement tool. In other words, you can use this tool to search for a specific keyword, or you can use it to determine whether a keyword is growing in popularity over time or not. You can get data on the relative popularity of keywords as well as the related queries results to drive the search terms you use for your business to ensure you remain relevant throughout the year.


While having a solid keyword strategy is the ultimate game-changer for an effective digital marketing experience for exhibition stand design companies in Dubai, understanding the tools you should be using is just as important. Remember Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and using the right search terms for your business is all about speaking the language of your target audience.


About the Author

Fazreen Razeek

Fazreen Razeek from Grafdom has served the digital industry for over 5 years. He collaborates and works alongside agencies, event organizers, and suppliers to develop and execute their marketing strategies. He is extremely passionate about education technology and also writes for various local and international publications. A graduate with High Distinction from the Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia, Fazreen holds a Bachelor’s Degree with a double major in Marketing & Management.

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